Sunday, September 18, 2011

Driving job creation - An open letter to the President

President Barak Obama                                                 Sep18, 2011
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20500

CC: Rep Frank Wolf, Sen Jim Webb, Sen Mark Warner, Speaker John Boehner, Rep Eric Cantor, Sen Harry Reid, Sen Mitch McConnell, Mr. Jeffrey Immelt, Press

Project Simple Reinvention

Mr. President,
While I am optimistic about the future, I am tired and frustrated as are millions of Americans about the political futility of the various plans proposed to reduce employment and kick start our economy. I do not believe they will work as neither sides appears to want to work together. So I am proposing to you Project Simple Reinvention; a simple, yet powerful plan that leverages the private sector to do what only the private sector can do…Hire Millions.

This is a simple plan to break the enormous dependency on the government to reduce unemployment. The plan is to empower the private sector to become the driver but in a targeted manner. This targeted and impactful attack on unemployment should not only reduce unemployment to 5% but create a real and sustaining demand for products and services to grow and expand our economy. The framework of the plan is;

  1. Encourage some 195,000 private US companies/employers who have more than 100 employees in America to hire 6 million by October 31, 2011.
  2. While on average each of the employers would need to hire 32 employees, reality is they could hire between 1-50 depending upon their size, industry, community and other criteria. The levels of employment we need by each individual employer would be minuscule compared to their overall size. This will minimize risk and costs to the employers and encouraging them to participate.  
  3. This is perhaps the only place we need the government to support it and that is to provide a tax credit per newly hired employee up to 50% of their wages for the first six months or until April 30, 2012. This will help the employers offset some Q4 costs while reducing risk.
4.      Finally, participating employers should commit that they will not eliminate existing positions to make room for new employees hired as part of Project Simple Reinvention for at least 6 months.

The impact of the plan would be so powerful that I envision the following to happen:
  1. It will reduce our unemployment to normal levels while boosting revenues without having to raise taxes in as little as 30 – 60 days.
  2. It will generate demand and reignite ancillary industries from retail, restaurants, cars, travel and tourism.
  3. The timing will be particularly impactful coming in ahead of the holiday season, ensuring more kids this holiday season will be visited by Santa Claus.

While I am convinced that this is the sort of Bazooka we need, to end the vicious business and political cycle we are in, it requires a planned and coordinated strike, one that is unprecedented in nature. Putting 6 million Americans back to work in 30 days across close to 200,000 employers will require leadership, trust and enormous resolve. All of which I believe we have. Please keep government involvement to a minimum and let the private sector do what they can.

Wish you the best and God Bless the United States of America.
